Monday, October 22, 2012



1.             Expect to become inwardly strengthened

2.             Expect to overcome life’s temptations

3.             Expect to be taught and reminded

4.             Expect increase in the ability to communicate with clarity

5.             Expect help when you don’t know what to do

6.             Expect to be directed into things that are of a truth

7.             Expect to gain authority to do good

8.             Expect to display proof of the things you're being taught

9.             Expect to see dreams and know things that will transpire 

10.                  Expect a life-long relationship

Undoubtedly these seem like unrealistic expectations.  But I have found the person with the ability to meet each of them and more.  Yet, this person can meet these expectations “ONLY” with my full cooperation.

Over 30 years ago on March 29th, 1981 I heard what I call the Ultimate Voice -   

“It was the clearest, loudest, softest voice I ever heard – it filled my very being; I’ve never forgotten it nor able to shake It (nor do I ever want to).  I remember it as if it were yesterday.  It was around 3am in the morning, as I slept I heard the words “I have given you the gift of G”.  I remember asking the question in my sleep, “What is the gift of G”?  I was awaken unable to go back to sleep so I got down on my knees.  Not sure how I knew to do that other than knowing this was a holy moment and I simply responded.  On my knees, I simply began to thank God for the gift of G.  I said I don’t know what that it is but I thank you for it...I heard you say it and I thank you for the gift of G!  (The fact  that it was a gift - made me want to accept it).  So I responded by thanking God.  ALL of sudden is was as if the power of God filled my house and I began speaking in a very powerful yet unknown language.  It wasn’t spooky, nor scary, it was breath taken.  It was if I was speaking the very sentiment of my heart.  It was as if my ability to communicate with God was opened.  It was as if I spoke just the right words with perfect tone.  Tears literally streamed down my face as I continue to let this beautiful language flow from my heart through my soul off my lips.  Everything I ever wanted to express to God (not ever knowing it) I had the ability to express myself on the deepest level possible it was as if deep had called out to deep.  As I continued to pour out to Him, suddenly there was a shift and I began to sing out words in this same language I never learned.  Yet I began to sing in the highest soprano voice ever (I believe it was the key of heaven)  I don’t even believe the angels can sing like that.  I was experiencing the most awesome encounter with the Holy Ghost I never knew!!!  I was being filled with Him.  I’ll never forget that encounter and I know my redeemer lives. 

And today HE is my Personal Life-Coach.  He has never left me over the past 30+ years.  There have been seasons over the years where I’ve encountered every one of those expectations and other seasons when I fail to cooperate with Him missing out on some the great things He desired for me.   But He as been and is my life-long friend. He is the guarantee in my heart as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. (2 Corinthians 1:22)

He desires to be your Life Coach.  If you would like to receive Him as your Life-Coach; free of charge; There is only one pre-requisite that is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

And Jesus promised...the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  St John 14:26  ((Life Coach)

Luke 11:13 much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him! Develop your language and as you use it during your time of prayer (w/your total cooperation) He will meet all 10 of the above expectations and more. 

10 scripture for the 10 expectations –

1.    Jude 1:20
2.    Galatians 5:16-17
3.    St John 14:26
4.    1 Corinthians 14:2
5.    Roman 8:26
6.    St. John 16:13
7.    Romans 8:11
8.    Acts 1:8
9.    Acts 2:17-18
10.                   St. John 14:16-17

To receive the gift of God – “The Holy Spirit” pray this simple prayer:

Father God, I believe that You sent Jesus to die on the cross and that He as been raised from the dead.  Jesus I ask you to come into my heart today.  And be by Lord and Savior.  Please forgive me for all my sins.  You said you would give the Holy Spirit to them that ask.  So I ask, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.  I believe and I receive the Holy Spirit.  And I welcome you Holy Spirit to be my personal Life Coach.  In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Here in Nashville, TN there is a boutique called “Blush”. Blush’s ultimate goal is to provide shoppers with a boutique that carries the most unique, fashion forward designs at an affordable price. You can visit blush at 

Blush (defined); to redden in the cheeks or face; to be suddenly suffused with a red color in the cheeks or face, from a sense of guilt, shame, confusion, modesty, diffidence or surprise; followed by, at or for, before the cause of blushing; as to blush at your corruptions; blush for your degraded country.

Most women, however, would describe the word blush as a type of makeup often applied to the cheek area of the face with a makeup brush (in order to even out skin tone or to add more color). It is commonly found as a powder, but can also come in other forms, such as creams or liquids. Sometimes, blush is also used to make the face look wider or longer. 

As I was reading through the bible this past year I came across the word “Blush” in Jeremiah 6:15; it reads, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed; nor did they know how to blush…” The background for this particular passage was that the children of Israel were completely indifferent to God’s Word. Having failed to understand the written law of the Lord, the people now reject the spoken word of the Lord through the prophets. And when their sins were brought to their attention and their abominations made known…they were neither ashamed nor knew how to blush. 

Growing up I was a shy little girl. I remember always blushing at things that seemed to never faze the next person, feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable. But now days it seems like the only blush we’re experiencing, is the makeup a woman puts on her cheeks. What happened to the times when people blushed from a sense of shame, mistake, shyness, restriction, etc? 

Are we as a nation in the same frame of mind (or should I say state of heart) as the children of Israel? Have we nurtured a generation that does not know how to blush? It seems as if nothing embarrasses people. Is there anything sacred; are there no topics off limit – subjects to be shared solely in the privacy of our home, with our spouses and children? It seems as if any and everything is discussed or viewed on Television, radio or social network; subjects as personal as a woman’s menstrual cycle to a man having an erection. There was a time when such issues were censored from our homes. A time when our young men would look for belts; but now their pants hang below the buttocks. A time when women would cover body parts that have been designed specifically for their husbands.  No shame, no embarrassment, no regard, nothing. 

Does this suggest that we as a nation have lost our ability to discern good from evil, or to distinguish between the things that are pleasing to God from the things that are not? If you were to advise a woman that her dress is provocative; or a young man that their behavior is offensive, you would be told not to judge? We earnestly need to repent as a nation, as leaders, as parents, as people of God for our failure to demonstrate or teach a generation about modest behavior.  Our men ought to lead by example. We so desperately need the heart of the fathers to turn to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers...(Malachi 4:6). The bible says let the older women teach the younger women. O that we would “Blush” concerning the things that displease God and set our face as flint to declare the things that speaks of Him.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


So it was when the King saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she found favor in his sight and he held out the golden scepter. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter... Esther 5:2 Yes! Esther went near and touch the scepter. I believe the king’s heart leaped when he saw Esther; as he held out the golden scepter (immediately, excitedly, gladly). I believe he was just thinking about Esther (No man can come to the Father unless He draws them) I believe Esther was on the king’s mind; He was just thinking how much he wanted to bless her. Psalms 139;17 How precious also are your thoughts towards me O God! How great is the sum of them...If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with you. No man comes to the Father accept he draws them. St John 6:44 And the King said to her, what do you wish, Queen Esther? What is your request? We have a high priest that’s touched by the feelings of our infirmities...we can come boldly to the throne to find grace and mercy in the time of need...Esther had a need. Deep within the king's heart...”I’ve been longing to bless you"...Just waiting to hear your request...”Delight yourself in the Lord and will give you the desire of your heart... Psalms 65:4 - Blessed is the man you choose...and cause to approach You. If God thinks about you; His thoughts are towards you. His very thoughts draws you to Himself; His thoughts chose you...If he thinks of man comes accept He is have not chose me I have chose you...He causes you to approach Him ...Esther was standing in the king’s courts...standing in the king’s court - We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house of your holy temple. She found favor in His sight...she approached him boldly...yet with a holy reverence (fasting 3 days); Again no man comes to the Father accept He draws them...You are on the mind of God...His very thoughts draws you. There is a day of salvation...a day of deliverance...a day of His visitation...a day of His favor. Esther 6:1 that night the king could not sleep (the Lord never sleeps or slumber) The Lord has you on His mind Esther 6;2 then the king remembered Mordecai - had him on his mind; God is not unjust to forget... and gave him up to half of the kingdom Esther 5;3 But Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom (access to the kingdom...not half but all) whereby we boldly approach His Throne!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012


As I awoke this morning I told the Lord I wanted to spend time with Him in prayer (on my knees).  What a rude awakening of a thought!!!  Why would I, God’s daughter have to express to Him my desire to kneel before Him?   You see prayer is one thing I’ve been taught and place as high priority in my life.  Even the attitude of prayer (In Luke 18:1 Jesus told his disciples that men should always pray and not faint).  I even guard my drive to work as I’ve designated that time to pray in the spirit (Jude 1:20 says, But ye, beloved, building up yourselves upon your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost). And as much as possible I attend 1 hour (On Wednesday) noon prayer at our church.  Matthew 26:40 Jesus asked his disciples...What, could you not watch with me one hour?

I was taught by some amazing God-fearing church mothers years ago about the significance of kneeling before the Lord in prayer.  It brings you into relationship with God that can’t be attained any other way.   Kneeling requires a position of humility and reverence that I’m afraid that we as a whole seem to have gotten away from.   Has prayer time on our knees in our churches and private lives become a thing of the past?  Have we fallen asleep and allowed the devil to steal the most intimate and most powerful privilege allowed to men?   

As I continued to dialogue this thought within; I realized that not only have prayer been assaulted, but admonishment to read and study God’s word has dwindled and no longer a major emphases.  It’s no longer a recommendation for God’s people to bring their bibles to the house of the Lord because it’s now displayed on our big screens. (II Timothy 2:15 states to us as God’s people to Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth).  The devil has even “shrewdly” slipped different bible translations; taking out power words that without them the church becomes nothing more than another lifeless social institution. Example the word repentance very necessary for conversion is removed from Matthew 9:13 in the NI, NAS, NWT. MSG bibles; also an  entire scripture excluded;  Matthew 18:11 reads “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.  Totally omitted in the  (NI, NAS, NWT, MSG).

Continuing this internal discussion; It came to thought that even our freedom to gather as a corporate body is under attack.  (Hebrew 10:15 tell us, (Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together; as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching).  David even says in (Psalms 122:1  - I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord).  Small groups are now replacing our mid-week corporate services.  
Have we, or are we allowing the devil to fan us to sleep?  Extinguishing the fire that once blazed with love and hunger for God.  Can you remember your first love?  That first person you were overhead in love with.  You couldn’t sleep without dreaming about them.  You couldn’t eat while in their presence.  You couldn’t wait for that next phone call. 

In Revelation 2:4 Jesus says, nevertheless I have somewhat against you, because you have left your first love.  The statement does not suggest that we no longer have love for Him.  Rather, that the quality of our love for Him has weakened.  The words left means to depart, leave alone, forsake and neglect (divorce). For example how often have you lost your keys, sunglasses or favorite pair of earrings?  The process of finding the item(s) would be to back track in your mind; to remember the last place you had them. As you find the item(s) you were looking for, you discover that they were right where you left them!  And it’s that way with your first love for God.  If you’ve lost it, guess where it is.  It’s wherever you left it.  Jesus says, go back and find it.  It is still there because God hasn’t moved.  He’s waiting on you to come back.

 (2 Timothy 3:1-4 says, This know also, that in the last days dangerous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God).  Have our love for pleasure superseded our love for God?  We must shake our selves and wake up!!! I Thessalonian 5:5-6 says – For you are all children of light, children of the day.  We are not of the night or of the darkness.  So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober!!! 

We must awake and aware of Satan’s plot.   In 2 Corinthians 2:11 the Apostle Paul alludes to the possibility that Satan might take advantage of God’s people “lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices”. 

So let's arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord has risen up on His Church!!!  We're Awaken in HIM!!!