Wednesday, July 18, 2012


So it was when the King saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she found favor in his sight and he held out the golden scepter. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter... Esther 5:2 Yes! Esther went near and touch the scepter. I believe the king’s heart leaped when he saw Esther; as he held out the golden scepter (immediately, excitedly, gladly). I believe he was just thinking about Esther (No man can come to the Father unless He draws them) I believe Esther was on the king’s mind; He was just thinking how much he wanted to bless her. Psalms 139;17 How precious also are your thoughts towards me O God! How great is the sum of them...If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with you. No man comes to the Father accept he draws them. St John 6:44 And the King said to her, what do you wish, Queen Esther? What is your request? We have a high priest that’s touched by the feelings of our infirmities...we can come boldly to the throne to find grace and mercy in the time of need...Esther had a need. Deep within the king's heart...”I’ve been longing to bless you"...Just waiting to hear your request...”Delight yourself in the Lord and will give you the desire of your heart... Psalms 65:4 - Blessed is the man you choose...and cause to approach You. If God thinks about you; His thoughts are towards you. His very thoughts draws you to Himself; His thoughts chose you...If he thinks of man comes accept He is have not chose me I have chose you...He causes you to approach Him ...Esther was standing in the king’s courts...standing in the king’s court - We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house of your holy temple. She found favor in His sight...she approached him boldly...yet with a holy reverence (fasting 3 days); Again no man comes to the Father accept He draws them...You are on the mind of God...His very thoughts draws you. There is a day of salvation...a day of deliverance...a day of His visitation...a day of His favor. Esther 6:1 that night the king could not sleep (the Lord never sleeps or slumber) The Lord has you on His mind Esther 6;2 then the king remembered Mordecai - had him on his mind; God is not unjust to forget... and gave him up to half of the kingdom Esther 5;3 But Jesus gave us the keys to the kingdom (access to the kingdom...not half but all) whereby we boldly approach His Throne!!!

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