Monday, September 14, 2020

The Father and I are one...

To step into the pages of God's Word is as Henry Blackaby titled it, "Experiencing God". 

That thought caused me to think about my dad who is now with the Lord. All the time, I was blessed to share with my dad I never once thought, “it sure was nice to experience my dad today”.

Because it was deeper than just an experience. He was part of my dad. (I had come from him). It was as if I was one with him. I laughed at what he laughed at. I enjoyed what he enjoyed. To the point that even when he gave his life to the Lord so did I. Because whatever he did, I did. My relationship with him was the relationship that brought me to my Heavenly Father.

Experiencing God, to me is like a visitation from God (may be a play on word). Now, don’t get me wrong a visitation is good. But my thinking is that a visitor eventually leaves. But when I think about the Lord in my life, I think about a habitation. I want to live and resigned with Him forever.

Jesus never experienced the Father. He was the Father. One with the Father. They were one. 

And I'm glad He prayed for his disciples and for us this prayer in John 17:21 “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, are in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me”.


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