Monday, September 5, 2011

Lord, Please Dont' Do It Without Me!

As I pondered the thought of my relationship with my dad when I was a little girl; I smile as I acknowledged that I was a daddy’s girl. I was called his little cookie. I was consumed with his love when I was in his presence. I loved being where he was, I loved doing what he was doing. If daddy went hunting, I went hunting. I remember setting in a truck in the mountains of Colorado, watching my dad hunt squirrels. If dad got in a boat I got in a boat. I once got in an old row boat he patched up and when we launched, water began to seep in that old boat, but I wasn’t afraid, I was with daddy. If daddy would shot his old shot gun I’d shot that old shot gun (that old thing would kick so hard I’d fall, he got such laugh out of that). If daddy went swimming in a lake I’d get in the water with daddy, couldn’t swim a lick but again not afraid. If daddy worked on televisions I’ watch him and join in as he’d gave me in instructions (I learned how to check those old TV tubes and transistors). If daddy remodeled a room and laid carpet or tiles, I’d lay carpet and tiles with him. I was so satisfied with being with daddy, doing whatever he was doing. Never once did I ask my dad to come and have a tea party with me. No! I wanted to be with daddy, doing what dad was doing.

St John 5:19-20 ...most assuredly, I say to you that the son can do nothing of Himself but what He see the Father do; for whatever He does, the son also does in like manner...For the Father loves the son, and shows Him all things that he himself does...

Jesus only did what he seen the Father doing, never went off on a tangent to do His own thing. Be He was in close relationship with the Father, they were one. So he could always see – always know what the Father was doing because the Father showed Him.

Likewise, it is so important to keep our relationship with the Father in its rightful state; so that we’ll know what the Father is doing and join Him in doing it.

Jesus said he always did the will of the Father. I want to be like Jesus always doing the will of the Father. Not asking that he shows me his will for my life. But that He would simply show me His will. Not for my life, I have no life Galatians 2:20 says “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I just want to be Daddy’s (Abba Father’s) Girl! So in the words of Bishop Morton “Lord whatever you’re doing in This Season, Please Don’t Do it without me”!


As newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.  -1 Peter 2:2-

Having my daughter and her newborn twins living with me over the past 11 months has given me a new appreciation and understanding for this scripture. Peter, in this verse describes the attitude of a newborn baby. Those two little precious jewels would go after that milk like it was nobody’s business. 11 months later as my daughter begins to wean them they are still crabbing for their milk bottles.

What Peter is expressing to us, is that we likewise, are to grab for the Word of God. Babies have to have milk to sustain their life physically, just as we have to have the scriptures to sustain our life spiritually. When babies are first born they need milk every 3 to 4 hours a day.

Peter is saying that we should have that same attitude when it comes to the Word of God for our lives. We are to crave the spiritual milk of God’s word that we may grow thereby. Understanding babies don’t arrive desiring milk but once they’ve tasted it, they long for it. We too must first acquire a taste for the Word, by tasting and delighting in it.

The reason we are to desire the sincere milk of God’s word is not only that we might know but that we might grow (being conformed to the image of His Dear Son). There is no spiritual growth apart from the Word of God. So inquire and desire the pure milk of God’s Word.